Strategic. Operational. Tactical.
Once you have the idea, you need to refine it. You need to create clarity and directionality that supports it. You need to give it life (resources) and strong leadership.
Most plans fail. They don’t manage the risks, often because they don’t really look at the risks. They also aren’t robust enough to survive first contact with reality outside of the planning session.
Planning is a CTLabs specialty. We pull out all the stops in our planning sessions. Flip charts? Heck no! A typical CTLabs template is 90 square feet – and that’s just the first exercise of the day. Or we’ll drop a couple thousand pieces of LEGO on the table and challenge every comfortable notion you thought you had about your environment, your marketplace, your program.
A CTLabs planning session is a 1-2 day event, depending on the complexity of your environment and the challenge you’ve set before you.
Case Studies: