Types of Groups we work with: a note on group size, make-up and specialization

We often get questions like:

We want to engage our stakeholders, but there are hundreds of them!  Can you do that?

We’re a group of 8 – would your methods work with such a small group?

We are in the middle of an initiative and there is some tension – can you still get results in our environment?


The answer to all these questions is yes.

We work with a huge variety of different groups and the tools we have developed are capable of adapting to groups of any size or make-up. If there are people involved in getting done what you need to do then we can helpl.

SIZE: One of the things that sets CTLabs apart from many other “facilitators”, transformation or change consultants, is that we are equally at ease working with large groups (like, 350+ people, large).  However, we’ve also had tremendous success working with small teams of 4 to 10 people and all prettry much everything in between.

MAKE-UP: When you have a complex problem, diversity is your friend.  This is why the tools we use are designed to bring together a diversity of people. If some of the people you are bringing together have not traditionally seen eye-to-eye, that’s okay too — in fact, we love it when things get interesting.

SPECIALIZATION.  People are people.  We have worked with many different professional domains with equally good resutls. If there is a need for critical content from a subject matter expert we integrate their contribution into the solution.  Not that it really matters but the following specialist groups have worked in the CTLabs way:  federal, provincial and municipal governments, healthcare, hydro, transportation, sports, NGOs, not-for-profit, universities and community colleges, technology companies, banks, seaports, lottery corporations and others.