Large Workshop Facilitation

Though we are often referred to as “facilitators”, we provide far more than basic facilitation services. And, to use a popular phrase, there is a “tipping point” where many the wheels fall off of many facilitation buses – somewhere between 40 and 75 participants. And among those who go above those numbers, many of the remaining methodologies allow for lots of conversation – and conversation is useful, but conversation alone is seldom sufficient to actually engender any lasting change in a culture.

At CTLabs, we’re accustomed to working with large numbers of people – and driving to useful, achievable, appropriately resourced and responsibly led outcomes. The strategies we use and the toolsets we bring to bear depends entirely on your unique situation.

  • Stakeholder Engagement – If you need meaningful engagement, we’ve got tools for the job whether you have 30 or 300+ stakeholders.
  • Retreats and Conferences – We’ve borrowed the best features of methodologies like Open Space, World Cafe, and Appreciative Inquiry into the Collaborative Transformation Process, which can take 5 to 500+ people through the most useful meetings they’ve ever had.
  • Organizational Teambuilding – You’ve never seen teambuilding like this before.  See Lego Serious Play.
  • Public Consultations – Getting you the meaningful input you need while ensuring that all voices are heard.