
In the beginning, there was the idea.

All change comes from ideas, from the sense that there’s something you could do that would in some ways make things “better” than they are now. And ideas come from… well, where DO ideas come from? There’s the million-dollar question. Actually, nowadays, it can be more of a billion-dollar question, come to think of it.

So, when you start at the very beginning (and that’s a very good place to start!), you have to come up with the idea(s) that will allow you to change the world. Given our druthers, we’d come in right about there – offering you the ability to throw complex collaboration at the art of ideation.

And no, we don’t mean brainstorming. If all we could do was brainstorming, we’d call it that. Brainstorming is probably something you’ve done many times. And though it might have been fun and all, but it almost certainly wasn’t useful.

Ideation is what it sounds like – the process of coming up with ideas. But within a CTLabs workshop, it’s far, far more than spit-ballin’ ideas with the team. We’ve built a number of tools and processes that enable us to do well and truly bend your minds, to force you out of comfortable places and easy solutions. We apply a ton of science to the process of ideas, and you don’t have to worry – you never really even see it happening.

So you come up with 30 ideas – so what? What then? How do you rank them? Test them? Improve them? Manage them? How can you ensure that the duds among them fail FAST? And then how do you ensure that the best of the best, designed in collaboration and bolstered by complexity, manage to survive the usual way of thinking that kills many great ideas? How do you ensure that the idea is improved continuously through the plan / design / build / implement phase?

You keep us around, that’s how!

Case studies:

  • Lottery and Gaming Corporation: Continuous Innovation